Name details

Name (attested)

Tuioni Saxionis f(iliae)

Name (citation form)Saxio*
SourceILLPRON 1346
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)St. Marein bei Neumarkt
Location (ancient)
CommunitySt. Marein bei Neumark
District, regionMurau
Population groupSaxon???
Date2. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Languageprob. Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN as patronym
Word formationsimple
First element*saxs-, *sass-, *saxx- '?'
NPC 231, DLG2: 265, GPN 251
Second element
Kajanto 120
Stem classn
Casegen. sg.
Semantic fieldOrig / Comb / Obj
Relations(D) Tuio, (SiL) Sabinus
General notesNPC 231 connects the name etymologically to the element *sag(o)- / *sag-io- 'seeker' e.g. Curmisagios 'beer-seeker' (PIE root *seh2g- (OIr. -saig, Goth. sōkjan, Lat. sāgiō). Other possibilities: Gmc. Or Latin ethnonym *saxon- or derived from Gmc. *sahsa- (OHG OS sahs, ON sax) 'sword, knife' with ion-suffix.
Other attestationsSaxio HIS 1 (CIL II-2/7, 309: Patriciensis) NOR 1 (CIL III 5552), Saxo ITA 1 (CIL V 4373)
Secondary literatureNPC 162, 231, DLG2: 265, GPN 251, Lochner 142, Kajanto 51, 202, Schulze 369, 418, Stüber 1998: 189 (Saxō)