Name details

Name (attested)

Seiae Urbici f(iliae)

Name (citation form)Seia
SourceIII 5430, ILLPRON 1165
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Dürrnberg/Vasoldsberg
Location (ancient)
District, regionGraz-Umgebung
Population group
Dateearly 2. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Languageunknown, possibly Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN + patronym
Word formationsimple
First element*sego- 'force' ?
DLG2: 269f., NPC 231, GPN 254, EDPC 327, Stüber 2009: 267, Stüber 1998: 163 (Segomarus)
Second element
Kajanto 105
Stem classa
Casedat. sg.
Semantic fieldComb?
Relations(F) Urbicius
General notesif Celtic, Seia may be derived from *sego- 'force' with intervocalic loss of g. Krahe PN 103 and other scholars attribute this name to the "Illyrian" language; cf. Latin gentile Seius (Kakoschke 90), cognomen Seianus (Kajanto 155) and the Latin theonym Seia (Lochner 145).
Other attestationsITA 10 (CIL V 757-758, 1293, 2015, 2265, 3738, 3739, 4634, II IX/1, 176, II X/1, 377, 689), HIS 1 (HAE 44), BEG 1 (CIL XIII 4677), DAL 3 (CIL III 9332, 10121, ILJ 2772(4191)), LVG 2 (CIL XIII 2265 [2]), Se[i]us MSV 1 (IMS VI 129), Se[i]a PAN 1 (CIL III 14099), Seiu[s] PAN 1 (CIL III 4438), Seius ITA 10 (CIL V 1369, 2015 [2], 2603, 3258, 3277, 6386, 8454, II X/1, 225, 377), HIS 3 (CIL II 5406, RIT 211, 413), BEG 4 (CIL XIII 3707, 6157, 6941, 8740), NAR 4 (CIL XII 2013, 3892, 3893, 4420), DAL 4 (CIL III 2519, 3163, 8697, ILJ 2772(4191)), PAN 1 (CIL III 12031,7), NOR 1 (Leber 317), MSV 1 (ILJ 542)
Secondary literatureLochner 145, DLG2: 269f., NPC 231, GPN 254, EDPC 327, Kakoschke 90, Kajanto 155