Name details

Name (attested)

Tib(erio) Iul(io) Senecioni

Name (citation form)Senecio
SourceIII 4929, ILLPRON 806
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Sankt Michael am Zollfeld
Location (ancient)Virunum
CommunityMaria Saal
District, regionKlagenfurt-Land
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
Languageprob. Celtic
Name typecognomen
Use of nameL 3
Word formationsimple
First element*seno- 'old'
NPC 231, DLG2: 270, KGP 266f., GPN 375f., Meid 205f., EDPC 330
Second element
Stem classn
Casedat. sg.
Semantic fieldAge
Relations(W) Bellicia Aveta, (S) Tiberius Iulius Asprenas, Tiberius Iulius Iulianus
General notes
Other attestationsITA 18 (CIL V 151, 1225, 1415, 1830, 3311, 3426, 3541, 3791, 4058, 4281, 4347, 4546, 6691, 6956, 7001, Pais 784, AE 1966, 126, II X/3, 59), HIS 11 (CIL II 1340, 1696, 1929, 2432, 2657, CIL II,2/5, 733, 754, 1286, CIL II/7, 134, EE IX 188, IRG I 10, CIL II,2/14, 21), BEG 9 (CIL XIII 6544, 6676, 6693, 6740b, 6776, 7363, 8199, 8334, 8669), NAR 5 (CIL XII 2410, 2785, 3550, 3574, 5370), PAN 7 (CIL III 3607, 10369, 10706, 11180, AE 1907, 176, RIU 195, 922), NOR 4 (CIL III 4890, 5598, Leber 74, CIL III 5565), BRI 2 (RIB 250, 722-740-746-1234-1337-1909), [S]enecio ITA 1 (CIL V 5552), HIS 1 (CIL II 3661), BEG 1 (ILTG 424), [Se]necio NAR 1 (CIL XII 2399), [Sen?]ecio BEG 1 (CIL XIII 3707), PAN 1 (RIU 292), BRI 1 (RIB 519), [Sene?]cio NAR 1 (Piganiol B 206), Snecio NOR 1 (Leber 206: Spnecio), Sen(e)cio NAR 1 (E 156), Sen[e]cio PAN 2 (AE 1905, 236, RIU 338).
Secondary literature