Name details

Name (attested)

M(arcus) Attonius Seranus

Name (citation form)Seranus
SourceAEAustr 2007, 177
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Traismauer
Location (ancient)
District, regionSt. Pölten
Population group
Date2. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Name typecognomen
Use of nameL 3
Word formationsimple
First element*sero- ? '?'
Second element
Stem classo
Casenom. sg.
Semantic field?
General notesSeranus is widespread in Hispania mainly. NPC 167 reconstructs tentatively *Stera-no-; if this is correct, the word 'star', PIE *h2ster- is involved, which is otherwise attested with lengthened grade only in Gaulish *sīro < *stēr-.
Other attestationsITA 3 (CIL V 932, 7310, 7428), HIS 16 (CIL II 226, 379, 2799, 2804, 2827 [2], 2875, 2966 - 2967, 5172, 5321, CIL II,2/5, 391a, CIL II,2/7, 60a, CIL II,2/14, 145, 778-779, EE IX 119, AE 1971, 183), BEG 5 (CIL XIII 4168, 8572, 8716, AE 1973, 379, ILTG 449), NAR 9 (CIL XII 3018a, 3909, 3932, 5753, 5938a, E 195 [2], 490, 533), PAN 1 (Kuzsinszky p. 67 n. 382), AQV 8 (CIL XIII 42, 92, 112, 273, 330, 369, 391, 471), BRI 1 (AE 1967, 255), MIN 1 (CIL III 14214), MSV 1 (IMS II 325 = IDR III/1,1), [S?]eranus BEG 1 (Clauss 7), NAR 1 (E 527), Seran[us] HIS 1 (RIT 388), BEG 1 (CIL XIII 8101), AQV 1 (CIL XIII 142), Seran(us) HIS 1 (ILER 5498), AQV 1 (CIL XIII 375), Serans HIS 1 (CIL II 2966), Σηρᾶνος PAN 1 (AIJ 526), Seran{n}a HIS 1 (CIL II 3041), Serana HIS 3 (CIL II 4449, IRC I 58, IRC II 24, HAE 1480 + Étienne), NAR 3 (CIL XII 3243, 3973, 4008), AQV 1 (CIL XIII 375)
Secondary literatureNPC 167