Name details

Name (attested)

At[tia? --- ]

Name (citation form)At(tia)*
SourceAEA 1982, 32
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Leibnitz
Location (ancient)
District, regionLeibnitz
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
Languageprob. Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN?
Word formationsimple
First element*atta-, *atti(o)- '(foster) father'
NPC 212, DLG2: 59, EDPC 46
Second element
KGP 41, Kajanto 115, Stüber 2007: 150
Stem classia
Casenom. sg.
Semantic fieldFam
General notes
Other attestationsAtt[ ] ITA 1 (III X/1, 207), Atti[ ] ITA 1 (CIL V 6912a), Atia NOR 1 (CIL III 5271), Attia ITA 29 (CIL V 33, 553, 574, 647, 1104, 1105, 1906, 2455, 2572, 3251, 3579, 3643, 4187, 5321, 6128, 6439, 6787, 7053, 7066, 7103, 7177 [3], 7551, 7855, 8361, 8856, Pais 296, AEp 1968, 286) PAN 2 (CIL III 14351,1, Hild 390) NOR 2 (CIL III 5066, Leber 233), At[tius] ITA (CIL V 574), Atius ITA 1 (CIL V 87), Att(i)us ITA 1 (CIL V 5181), Atti(us) ITA 2 (CIL V 8337; AEp 1904, 205) PAN 1 (Hild 90) NOR 1 (CIL III 5310), Attiu[s] PAN 1 (CIL III 14358,4a) NOR 1 (CIL III 5156), Attius ITA 30 (CIL V 538, 947, 973 [2],1863, 2202, 2203, 2318, 3358, 3502, 4291, 4394, 4847, 6128, 6777, 6904, 7054 [2], 7065, 7177, 7425, 7520, 7546, 8784 [2], Pais 171, 906 [2], AEp 1904, 205, II X/1, 206) PAN 7;3 (CIL III 3853, 4571, 5520, 5646, 10848, 14351,1, RIU 278; CIL III 4572, RIU 392 -649- AEp 1937, 213, Vorbeck 88) NOR 4 (CIL III 5091, 5243, 5331, RISt 33) RAE 1 (IBR 292), [A]ttius NOR 2 (RISt 165, 238), Attii NOR 3 (RISt 148 [3]) for further attestations see OPEL I:212 f.
Secondary literatureNPC 32, 212, Meid 254, DLG2: 59, EDPC 46, AlNor 95, 124, 268, 275, Lochner 22