Name details

Name (attested)

Ategnatae Malsonis f(iliae)

Name (citation form)Ategnata*
SourceIII 5698
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)
Location (ancient)Flavia Solva
District, region
Population group
Date1./2. c. AD
Source of date
Linguistic notes
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN + patronym
Word formationprefixed verbal compound (prefix + participle)
Prefix*ate-, *ati-, *at- 're-, very'
DLG2: 57, KGP 136, NPC 211, GPN 142f.
First element*gnato- 'known' or 'born'
DLG2: 181, KGP 218, GPN 207ff.
Second element
Kajanto 105
Stem classa
Casedat. sg.
Semantic fieldComm-Fam
Relations(F) Malso, (H) Betullus Biraconis, (S) Vercaius, (D) Livima, (Heir) Claudia Banona
General notesThere are two homonymous Gaulish name elements *gnato- (GPN 207): 1. 'born' (cf. OInd. jātá-, OLat. gnātus, ), 2. 'known' (cf. OIr. gnáth, Lat. notus); in combination with prefix ate-, most scholars opt for the first possibility; the name Ategnata thus means 're-born'; cf. Ir. aithgnath.
Other attestationsAtegnate NOR 1 (CIL III 4732), Atecnatus NOR 1 (Aep 1974, 490), Ategnatus NOR 1 (CIL III 4764).
Secondary literatureLochner 19f., NPC 29, 211, DLG2: 57, 181, KGP 136, 138, 218, GPN 142f., 207ff., AlNor