Name details

Name (attested)

Troucleimarus Demari f(ilius)

Name (citation form)Troucleimarus
SourceILLPRON 896, AE 1950, 116
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Traismauer/Stollhofen
Location (ancient)
District, regionSt. Pölten
Population group
Date1. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Languageprob. Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN + patronym
Word formationtrimembric compound?
Prefix*trougo- 'miserable'
KGP 282, NPC 234 (trouceti-), DLG2: 303
First element*clio- 'fame, glory' ?
NPC 216, 217 (clouo-), DLG2: 119 (cluto-, clouto-), GPN 180, KGP 173
Second element*māro- 'great'
DLG2: 218f., NPC 226, GPN 223, Meid 92, KGP 238, EDPC 258
Stem classo
Casenom. sg.
Semantic fieldComm? / Char ?
Relations(F) Demarus
General notesProbably trimembric compound with haplology of *Trougo-clei-° > Trouclei-°; first member: cf. OIr. tróg, trúag 'miserable', W Bret. tru; second member: perhaps Gaul. continuant of PIE *k̂lewos- 'glory' ?; meaning of the full name Troucleimarus: 'great in bad glory' ? Alternatively, *Trouclei- could also be a syncopated (?) variant of hypocoristically suffixed *Trou-cillo- as in Troucillius (e.g. in CIL III 5037).
Other attestationsTroucetimarus PAN 1 (RIU 724), [T]roucetima[r]us PAN 1 (RIU 1397), Trouca NOR 1 (AE 1961, 73), Troucetis NAR 1 (CIL XII 2356), Troucetissa PAN 1 (CIL III 14349,8), Troucetei (gen.) NAR 1 (CIL XIII 2623), Troucillus ITA 2 (CIL V 7269, 7287), NAR 1 (CIL XII 3944), NOR 1 (CIL III 5037), Troucil(lus) NAR 1 (CIL XII 2497), Trougillus BEG 2 (CIL XIII 6432, 7101), Troucissa PAN 2 (RIU 1359, 1414), Troucisa PAN 1 (AE 1957, 164), Trousius NOR 1 (AE 1974, 475).
Secondary literatureNPC 185, 216, 217 (clouo-), 226, 234 (trouceti-), RSW2 14, 24, Meid 92, 119f. (Trouceti), KGP 173, 238, 282, DLG2: 303, 218f., 119 (cluto-, clouto-), GPN 180, 223, EDPC 258