Name details

Name (attested)

Adiatullus Vepotali f(ilius)

Name (citation form)Vepotalus
SourceIII 5350, ILLPRON 1231
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Grottenhof bei Leibnitz
Location (ancient)
CommunityKaindorf an der Sulm
District, regionLeibnitz
Population group
Date1. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN as patronym
Word formationbahuvrihi compound (noun + noun)
First element*uepo- 'face' or 'voice, speech' ?
KGP 289, DLG2: 313, NPC 236, EDPC 409, Meid 245ff.
Second element*talo- / talu- 'forehead, front'
DLG2: 288, GPN 259, NPC 233, EDPC 367, Meid 153, KGP 274
Stem classo
Casegen. sg.
Semantic fieldApp
Relations(S) Adiatullus, (DiL) Tatuca, (GD) Ruma
General notes*uepo- < PIE *uekw- 'to speak'
Other attestationsVepo PAN 1 (ILSl I 93), NOR 1 (CIL III 5232), Veponius NOR 4 (CIL III 4857, 5148, 5225, 15205d), Vep(onius) NOR 1 (CIL III 4857), Veponia NOR 1 (CIL III 11665), Vepitta PAN 1 (CIL III 11234), Vepus NAR 1 (CIL XII 2623), DAL 1 (ILJ 1805), Vepa DAL 1 (CIL III 2965), Vep[ ]* PAN 1 (CIL III 11275), V[ep ]* PAN 1 (CIL III 11275)
Secondary literatureMeid 153, 245ff. (Vepo), Lochner 177, NPC 195, KGP 274, 289, DLG2: 288, 313, NPC 233, 236, EDPC 409, GPN 259ff.