Name details

Name (attested)

Lucco Vercilles

Name (citation form)Vercilla
SourceIII 5019+ p. 1822, ILLPRON 63
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Sankt Walburgen
Location (ancient)Virunum
District, regionSt. Veit an der Glan
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
Name type(place name as?) IN
Use of nameIN as metronym
Word formationprepositional govering compound (intensifying prefix + (verbal) noun)
Prefix*uer- 'over-, sur-, up'
NPC 236, DLG2: 314, GPN 279f., KGP 279
First element*cello- 'bobbin, hammer' or *cel- 'to hide' ?
NPC 216, DLG2: 113, KGP 179
Second element
Kajanto 105
Stem classa
Casegen. sg.
Semantic fieldChar / Comb
Relations(S) Lucco
General notesRegional context, mostly confined to Noricum. LUPA reads Vergill(a)es, but Vergilla is not a frequent Latin name, however. Note the typical -aes - genitive here, cf. Wedenig / De Bernardo Stempel 2007. KGP 291 proposes a different morphological segmentation: *uerc- + hypocoristic suffix -illa- or similar, cf. "viele[ ] Namen des Stammes verc- (...) cf. auch den ON Vercellae usw.".
Other attestationsNAR 1 (CIL XII 652) NOR 3 (CIL III 5037, 5113, Leber 267), Vercillus NAR 2 (CIL XII 724, 5085).
Secondary literatureAlNor 238, Meid 179 (Vercella), NPC 195, 216, 236, DLG2: 113, 314, KGP 179, 279, GPN 279f.