Name details

Name (attested)

G(aii) Vib(ii) Honorati fili(i)

Name (citation form)Vibius
SourceWeber 163
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptiondedicatory
Date and origin
Location (modern)Mauer an der Url
Location (ancient)
CommunityMauer Greinsfurth
District, regionAmstetten
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
Languageprob. Celtic
Name typepseudo gentile
Use of nameL 3
Word formationsimple
First element*uiuo-, *uibo- 'withered' / *uīb- 'weave'
Meid 306f., 308, KGP 294, EDPC 425
Second element
KGP 41, Kajanto 115, Stüber 2007: 150
Stem classio
Casegen. sg.
Semantic fieldApp / Comm
Relations(M) Ulpia Iuliana
General notesPIE root *ueib- (IEW 1132) cf. Goth. weipan, Lat. vibrāre or 'weave' ?
Other attestationsNOR 22 (CIL III 4880, 4994, 5040, 5043, 5105, 5393, 5414, 5468, 5674, 4760, 5130, 5142, 5238, RISt 149, IV - 215, AE 1929, 35, AIJ 4, 25 [2], Leber 61, 237, RISt 38, 119), PAN 20 (CIL III 3803, 3855, 3449, 3840, 4464, 4488, 10358, 10558, 11139, 11273, 14359,4, 14359,29, AIJ 151, ILSl I 66, RIU 155,197, 519, 1345, 1379, 1387, 1398, VZ 189, RINMS 85), Vibia NOR 14 (CIL III 4944, 4994, 4997, 5040, 5041 [2], 5142, 5446, 5482, Leber 27, 301 [2], RISt 215, 321), PAN 2 (CIL III 11281, RIU 285), V[i]bia NOR 1 (CIL III 4995), Vibiu[s] NOR 2 (CIL III 11747, RISt 30), Vi[b]ius PAN 1 (CIL III 10544), [V]ibia NOR 1 (RISt 59), [Vibi]us PAN 1 (ILSl I 66); for further attestations see OPEL IV, 165f.
Secondary literatureLochner 181f., Meid 306f., 308 (Vibenus), KGP 294, EDPC 425, AlNor I 393