Name details

Name (attested)


Name (citation form)Attia
SourceILLPRON 974
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptiondedicatory
Date and origin
Location (modern)Enns/Ziegelfeld
Location (ancient)Lauriacum
District, regionLinz Land
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
Languageunknown, possibly Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN
Word formationsimple
First element*atta-, *atti(o)- '(foster) father'
NPC 212, DLG2: 59, EDPC 46
Second element
KGP 41, Kajanto 115, Stüber 2007: 150
Stem classia
Casenom. sg.
Semantic fieldFam
General notes
Other attestationsAtt[ ] ITA 1 (III X/1, 207), Atti[ ] ITA 1 (CIL V 6912a), Atia NOR 1 (CIL III 5271), Attia ITA 29 (CIL V 33, 553, 574, 647, 1104, 1105, 1906, 2455, 2572, 3251, 3579, 3643, 4187, 5321, 6128, 6439, 6787, 7053, 7066, 7103, 7177 [3], 7551, 7855, 8361, 8856, Pais 296, AEp 1968, 286) PAN 2 (CIL III 14351,1, Hild 390) NOR 2 (CIL III 5066, CSIRÖ III/2, 18), At[tius] ITA (CIL V 574), Atius ITA 1 (CIL V 87), Att(i)us ITA 1 (CIL V 5181), Atti(us) ITA 2 (CIL V 8337; AEp 1904, 205) PAN 1 (Hild 90) NOR 1 (CIL III 5310), Attiu[s] PAN 1 (CIL III 14358,4a) NOR 1 (CIL III 5156), Attius ITA 30 (CIL V 538, 947, 973 [2],1863, 2202, 2203, 2318, 3358, 3502, 4291, 4394, 4847, 6128, 6777, 6904, 7054 [2], 7065, 7177, 7425, 7520, 7546, 8784 [2], Pais 171, 906 [2], AEp 1904, 205, II X/1, 206) PAN 7;3 (CIL III 3853, 4571, 5520, 5646, 10848, 14351,1, RIU 278; CIL III 4572, RIU 392 -649- AEp 1937, 213, Vorbeck 88) NOR 4 (CIL III 5091, 5243, 5331, RISt 33) RAE 1 (IBR 292), [A]ttius NOR 2 (RISt 165, 238), Attii NOR 3 (RISt 148 [3]) for further attestations see OPEL I:212 f.
Secondary literatureNPC 32, 212, Meid 254, DLG2: 59, EDPC 46, Lochner 22