Name details

Name (attested)

Secundus Aviti (filius)

Name (citation form)Auitus
Sourcelupa 1884
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Gablitz
Location (ancient)
District, regionWien-Umgebung
Population group
Date1. H. 2. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Languageprob. Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN as patronym
Word formationsimple
First element*aui- 'wish, desire'
NPC 212, DLG2: 60, Meid 219, KGP 143
Second element
Stem classo
Casegen. sg.
Semantic fieldWish
Relations(S) Secundus, (DiL) Litussa
General notes
Other attestationsITA 2 (CIL V 1817, 6676), PAN 9 (CIL III 3853, 3890, 4351, 10749, 10810, RIU 9, 62, 1227, ILJ 1107), NOR 14 (CIL III 4975, 5109, 5142, 5294, 5297, 5387, 5499, 5513, 6523, 11785, ILJ 373, Leber 127, RISt 328, AE 1929, 35), RAE 1 (Schillinger-Häfele 240), [A]vita PAN 1 (CSIRÖ I/5, Sav. 23), NOR 1 (CIL III 11785), Avitus ITA 3 (CIL V 7196, 7257, 7644), PAN 25 (CIL III 3283, 3670, 3853, 3890, 3892, 4022, 4404, 4568, 10467, 13362, 14349,4, 14352, AIJ 159, 163, 222, 226, 241, 243, ILJ 288, 337, 1145, RIU 22, 167, 562, AE 1929, 209, CIL III 10436), NOR 21 (CIL III 4736, 4857, 5097, 5128, 5196 [2], 5226, 5248, 5285, 5324, 11699, 11720, 13526, 14106, ILJ 373, 379, Egger 297, RISt 80, 301, 322, 328), RAE 1 (Wagner 128), Av[itus] RAE 1 (AE 1962, 229), Av(i)tus NOR 1 (CIL III 5151), Avi[t]us NOR 1 (Leber 126), Avit[us] PAN 1 (BpR 8, 1904, 172, Nr. 8), Avitu[s] RAE 1 (IBR 375); for further attestations see OPEL I: 231f.
Secondary literatureNPC 34, 212, DLG2: 61, Meid 219, KGP 117, 143, Untermann: 115f., Lochner 26, AlNor