Name details

Name (attested)

Ti(berio) Claudio Blando f(ilio)

Name (citation form)Blandus
SourceIII 5510, ILLPRON 1229
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Kaindorf
Location (ancient)
District, regionHartberg
Population group
Dateearly 2. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
LanguageCeltic or Latin
Name typecognomen
Use of nameL 3
Word formationsimple
First element*blando- 'bland, soft, sweet'
NPC 213, DLG2: 77, GPN 58f. (Blando-vicunia), KGP 151 (Blando-vicunia), Kajanto 282
Second element
Stem classo
Casedat. sg.
Semantic fieldApp-Char
General notes
Other attestationsITA 6 (CIL V 3170, 3257, 4593, 5896, 6086, 8393), HIS 2 (CIL II 130, 3762), BEG 8 (CIL XIII 4560, 5282, 5500, 5536, 5543, 8558, 11738, Nesselhauf - Lieb 164), NAR 4 (CIL XII 223, 2903, 4074, 4880), DAL 1 (ILJ 888), PAN 2 (CIL III 10782, 10791, AE 1938, 125 = Németh 29), DAC 1 (CIL III 6271), AQV 2 (CIL XIII 415, 11059), LVG 1 (CIL XIII 1911), MIN 1 (Gerov I 13), Bland(us) BEG 1 (CIL XIII 8738), Blanda ITA 6 (CIL V 2189, 3692, 5290, 5751, 5900, Pais 542), HIS 2 (CIL II 1021, RIT 522), NAR 1 (CIL XII 2811), AQV 1 (CIL XIII 737), Bland[a] DAL 1 (CIL III 8786), Bl[andus] HIS 1 (RIT 287), Bland[ ] ITA 1 (CIL V 6031)
Secondary literatureLochner 30, NPC 43, 213, DLG2: 77, GPN 58f. (Blando-vicunia), KGP 151 (Blando-vicunia), Kajanto 282