Name details

Name (attested)

Bono(sus) Pompo(ni)

Name (citation form)Bonosus, Bonus ?
SourceIII 12027d = I 2989, p. 961
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptioninstrumentum
Date and origin
Location (modern)Magdalensberg
Location (ancient)Virunum
District, regionKlagenfurt-Land
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
LanguageLatin or Celtic
Name typepseudo gentile
Use of nameL 2
Word formationsimple
First element*bono- 'village, establishment' or Latin bonus 'good' ?
DLG2: 82, KGP 154 (Bon-), Meid 258 (Bonio, Boniatus, Bononius), NPC 214 (bouno- > bōno-)
Second element
Suffixo / oso
Kajanto 122
Stem classo
Casedat. sg. / nom. sg. ?
Semantic fieldPlace / App-Char ?
General notesThe amendment by CIL III,2 is not essential; the inscription can also be read as Bono Pompo, Bono being the pseudo-gentile, Pompo being the cognomen; both would then be in the of o-stems Bonus, Pompus*. However, the latter name is not attested as o-stem Pompus* at all, but only as Pomponius. -> Bono Pompo(ni).
Other attestationsBonus NAR 1 (ZPE 63, 1986, pp. 173-180 (=CIL XII 672), DAL 1 (CIL III 14614), PAN 2 (CIL III 11111, Vorbeck 84), NOR 1 (Egger 232 - 167 - 176 - 239), AQV 1 (ILTG 116), MSV 1 (CIL III 14507), B[o]nus MIN 1 (ISM V 104), [B]onus DAC 1 (AE 1956, 207), Bona PAN 3 (ILJ 273, 1077, RIU 281), DAC 3 (CIL III 1028, 7665, AE 1903, 57), MIN 1 (CIL III 7521), MSV 1 (CIL III 8174), [B]ona MIN 1 (MSV V 104); Bonosus PAN 2 (Hild 239 = VZ 175, Vorbeck 84), DAC 1 (CIL III 919), MIN 1 (CIL III 7437), [Bo]nos[us] NOR 1 (Egger 243), Bonosa DAL 3 (CIL III 2274, 2283, 8745), PAN 2 (CIL III 3539, AE 1972, 382), DAC 3 (CIL III 805, 1124, 1474), MSV 1 (IMS I 115).
Secondary literatureDLG2: 82, KGP 154 (Bon-), Meid 258 (Bonio, Boniatus, Bononius), NPC 214 (bouno- > bōno-)