Name details

Name (attested)


Name (citation form)Botu*
Sourcelupa 11259
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Mühldorf
Location (ancient)
District, regionJudenburg
Population group
Date2. c. AD
Source of dateHainzmann
Linguistic notes
Languageunknown, possibly Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN
Word formationhypocoristic short name
First element*boduo- 'a (royston-) crow' / 'witch' / 'war-goddess' or *boto- ? '?'
GPN 59f., 151, NPC 213, DLG2: 81 / Lochner 34f.
Second element
KGP 41, Stüber 1998: 108, Kajanto 118
Stem classn
Casedat. sg.
Semantic fieldAnim / Theo / ?
Relations(H) Adiectus, (FiL) Aducus, (D) Iantula
General notesunknown etymology and language, but note the regional distribution of the name and its Celtic n-stem inflection in -u, -unis, -uni; Lochner 34 compares Ir. bótt 'fire' to the similar name Botta.
Other attestationsBoto( ) NOR 1 (CIL III 5191), [Bo]ttio NOR 1 (CIL III 4915), [B]ottia NOR 1 (CIL III 4915), Bottia NAR 1 (CIL XII 4112), NOR 2 (Leber 159 [2]), Bot[tius] ITA 1 (AE 1968, 286), Botti[us] NOR 1 (CIL III 11566), Bottius ITA 1 (AE 1968, 286), NOR 4 (CIL III 11566 [3], Leber 159), Botta NOR 1 (CIL III 11735), Bottus NAR 1 (CIL XII 1105),Botuca NOR 1 (CIL III 11530), Boturo NAR 1 (CIL XII 4142), Botilla HIS 1 (EE VIII 70).
Secondary literatureLochner 34f. (Botta), NPC 46 (Bottia), 213, GPN 59f., DLG2: 81, GPN 151