Name details
Summary | |
Name (attested) | Epatia Ante Conbogi fil(ia) |
Name (citation form) | Conbogi(us)* |
Source | III 4945, ILLPRON 207 |
Source type | epigraphic |
Type of inscription | sepulcral |
Material | marble |
Date and origin | |
Location (modern) | Kraig |
Location (ancient) | Virunum |
Community | Frauenstein |
District, region | St. Veit an der Glan |
Population group | — |
Date | — |
Source of date | — |
Linguistic notes | |
Language | Celtic |
Gender | m. |
Name type | IN |
Use of name | IN as patronym |
Word formation | prepositional governing compound (prefix + noun) |
Prefix | *com-, *con-, *co- 'with' DLG2: 121, NPC 217, GPN 183, KGP 175, 176f., EDPC 213 |
First element | *bogio- 'braggart' NPC 213, DLG2: 81, GPN 152 |
Second element | — |
Suffix | — |
Stem class | o |
Case | gen. sg. |
Semantic field | Char, Comb |
Other | |
Relations | (D) Epatia Ante, (SiL) Nemetomarus |
General notes | CIL III,2 (Holzner 2009) reads: Epatia Ante con(iux) Bogi fil(ia). But no name Bogus*, Bogius* is attested. LUPA reads: Epatia Ante(?) Con/bogi fil(ia). OPEL cites the name of this inscription as Conbogi(us), too. This the reading of LUPA and OPEL is more likely -> cognomen Conbog(i)us* with meaning 'breaker' (Stüber 1998: 31). Remarkable is the spelling <-nb-> instead of expected assimilated -mb-. |
Other attestations | Combucovatus LVG 1 (CIL XIII 2583,), Combulius ITA 1 (CIL V 2220). |
Secondary literature | NPC 71, RSW2: 11, AlNor 234, Stüber 1998: 31 |