Name details

Name (attested)

Bateli Deusonis f(iliae) ux(ori)

Name (citation form)Deuso
SourceIII 5057, ILLPRON 1214
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Greith
Location (ancient)
CommunitySt. Marein bei Neumark
District, regionMurau
Population group
Date2. c. AD
Source of dateCIL, lupa
Linguistic notes
Languageunknown, possibly Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN as patronym
Word formationsimple
First element*deuso- '?'
Meid 269, NPC 219 (deuo-), GPN 192 (deuo-), DLG2: 142 (deuo-), 158 (dusios)m EDPC 96 (deuo-)
Second element
KGP 41, Stüber 1998: 108, Kajanto 118
Stem classn
Casegen. sg.
Semantic field? (Theo / App-Char)
Relations(D) Batelis, (SiL) Acceptus
General notesprobably Pannonian name if diphthong eu represents the PIE diphthong *eu (Meid 269). Etymology: cf. Lat. furō, -ere 'to dash, to rage' (Meid 269, DeVaan 252) or pace Delamarre (NPC 219) Deusa < *dēu̯os-os. Another possible Celtic etymology would be: Deuso- 'fire, burn' < *degwi-so- (cf. OIr. i-stem) from PIE root *dhegwh- (LIV2: 133)
Other attestationsPAN 0;1 (CIL III 10883), NOR 1 (CIL III 5456), Deusa NOR 2 (CIL III 5425, AIJ 85), Deusus NOR 1 (CIL III 5370)
Secondary literatureLochner 68, NPC 85, 219 (deuo-), GPN 192 (deuo-), DLG2: 142 (deuo-), 158 (dusios), EDPC 96 (deuo-) Meid 269, AlNor