Name details

Name (attested)

Fidetus Masc(u)li f(ilius)

Name (citation form)Fidetus
SourceIII 15205f, ILLPRON 444
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Sankt Johann am Pressen
Location (ancient)Virunum
District, regionSt. Veit an der Glan
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
LanguageLatin or Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN + patronym
Word formationsimple
First element*uid-, *uēd- '(to) know, knowledge' ?
NPC 236, DLG2: 318
Second element
Stem class
Semantic fieldComm
Relations(F) Masculus, (W) [---]da Firmi filia, (D) Cunerta, (FiL) Firmus
General notesRemarkable is the spelling of /u̯-/ as here, provided the etymological analysis given here is correct. The underlying etymon is either the same as in the 'druid'-word *dru-u̯id- (cf. DLG2: 318, NPC 236 (uid-, ued-, uissu-)) < PIE *u̯ei̯d- 'to know' (cf. Goth. wait ~ witun, Skt. veda, Gr. οἶδα) or from *uidu- 'wood, tree' (DLG2: 319) (cf. OIr. fid, fedo, W gwydd, OCorn. guiden), cf. OHG witu, OE widu, wudu, ON viðr 'wood, forest', Run. WidugastiR 'wood-guest'.
Other attestationsFidius HIS 4 (CIL II 834 [2], 835, AE 1967, 197), [F]idius ITA 2 (CIL V 3609 [2]), Fidus ITA 8 (CIL V 647, 3675, 5883, 5926, 6785, 7060, 7316, 7430), HIS 10 (CIL II 594, 1996, 2497, 3437, 5124, EE VIII 89, 174, HAE 1341, RIT 306, 328), DAL 1 (CIL III 6381), NAR 2 (CIL XII 2583, 4545), PAN 1 (CIL III 10517), NOR 1 (CIL III 15208), DAC 2 (CIL III 1036, 13796 - RMD 39), AQV 2 (CIL XIII 1411, AE 1973, 355), BRI 1 (RIB 481), LVG 3 (CIL XIII 1895, 2930, 1803), [F]idus DAL 1 (CIL III 14996), Fida ITA 3 (CIL V 4445, 7037, 7622), HIS 5 (CIL II 2416, 2557, RIT 328, IRC IV 183, 242), NAR 3 (CIL XII 1900, 4663, 5718), DAL 1 (CIL III 1717), [F]ida HIS 1 (RIT 342), Fi[d]us AQV 1 (CIL XIII 11083), Fidu[s] ITA 1 (Pais 648), Φεῖδα NAR 1 (CIL XII 3672), Fidula LVG 1 (CIL XIII 2067).
Secondary literatureNPC 236, DLG2: 318