Name details

Name (attested)


Name (citation form)Gallus
SourceEgger 1952: 70ff., n. 51, Abb. 38, 51, 39.
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionedificial
Date and origin
Location (modern)Magdalensberg
Location (ancient)Virunum
District, regionKlagenfurt-Land
Population groupGaulish
Date5 AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Name type(ethnonym as) IN
Use of nameIN
Word formationsimple
First element*gallo- 'Gaulish'
Meid 195f., NPC 222, KGP 215
Second element
Stem classo
Casenom. sg.
Semantic fieldOrig
General notes
Other attestationsITA 12 (CIL V 52, 419, 2560, 3173, 3502, 5345, 5900, 7030, 7167, 7856, 7898+ IAN p. 81, AE 1972, 203), HIS 30 (CIL II 192, 208, 302, 367, 1047, 1359, 1470 + p. 702 [2], 1520 - 1521, 1584, 1924, 1987, 3018, 3364, 4993, 5045 - 5046, 5212, 5216, 5442, CIL II,2/7, 282, CIL II,2/14, 349, 496, CILA II 36, 178, CILA III 16, HAE 1615, 2141, RIT 137, 145, 353/354), BEG 1 (CIL XIII 7253), NAR 5 (CIL XII 2032, 2247, 2467a, 2925, 4363), DAL 3 (CIL III 1818, 8376c, 3113), PAN 2 (CIL III 14359,20, RIU 709), NOR 2 (CIL III 6497, AE 1954, 243), DAC 1 (CIL III 1564 - IDR III/1, 271), AQV 1 (CIL XIII 235), LVG 1 (CIL XIII 2585), MSV 1 (ILJ 1410), Gallu[s] ITA 1 (CIL V 7819), G[a]llus HIS 1 (CIL II 415), Callus BEG 2 (CIL XIII 8607, 11500), Calus ITA 1 (CIL V 7473), [G]allus ITA 1 (Pais 384), HIS 1 (CIL II 3515), BEG 1 (CIL XIII 5416 - 5417), Galu(s) AQV 1 (CIL XIII 645), Galus AQV 2 (CIL XIII 156, ILTG 31), Gall[a] ITA 1 (CIL V 6550), PAN 1 (AIJ 220), Galla ITA 12 (CIL V 1170, 1246, 2438, 3023, 3604, 3763, 3812, 3940, 4071, 7928, 8706, II X/1, 352), HIS 17 (CIL II 114 - 339, 117, 558, 969, 1149, 1364, 1465 + p. 702, 1832, 1986, 2048, CIL II,2/7, 271, EE VIII 5, 96, EE IX 140 = CILA I 16, RIT 321, 345, IRC IV 223), NAR 1 (CIL XII 1524), PAN 3 (RIU 153, 370, 1239), NOR 1 (CIL III 5547), Gall[ ] BEG 1 (CIL XIII 5860), Gall[ ]a HIS 1 (Gonzáles 308), Gall[ ]s HIS 1 (HAE 857), Galli[ ] BEG 1 (Nesselhauf-Lieb 255)
Secondary literatureNPC 101, 222, Meid 195f., KGP 215