Name details

Name (attested)


Name (citation form)[B]utta*
SourceILLPRON 1429
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Teufenbach
Location (ancient)
District, regionMurau
Population group
Date1./2. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Languageprob. Celtic
Name typeIN
Use of nameIN
Word formationsimple / hypocoristic short name?
First element*but(t)o- ? '?'
NPC 214, KGP 158 (Buttu-°), Meid 261
Second element
Kajanto 105
Stem classa
Casegen. sg.
Semantic field?
Relations(S) Adiutor
General notesWeber, LUPA and Clauss/Slaby read Sutta and an "Illyrian" origin of the name has been suggested. If reading as Butta is correct, the name is etymologically related to either PCelt. *butā- 'dwelling, place, hut' (EDPC 84) (cf. OIr. both, MW bod) or pace Meid 261 from the PIE root *bhū- 'to hit' (cf. OIr. bibdu 'enemy, guilty')
Other attestationsButtus NOR 1 (CIL III 5668), Butto PAN 4 (AE 1929, 219, CIL III 3801, 3819, RIU 783), Butus MIN 1 (CIL XVI 13), Bruto NOR 1 (CIL III 5697), Suttus BEG 1 (CIL XIII 11962), Sutta ITA 2 ( CIL V 4736, 3809), BEG 1 (Nesselhauf 88a), DAL 1 (ILJ 2618), DAC 1 (CIL III 8021), Sutu NOR 1 (Leber 28)
Secondary literatureLochner 37, NPC 214, KGP 158 (Buttu-°), Meid 261