Name details

Name (attested)

Aur(elius) Potitus

Name (citation form)Potitus
SourceIII 4834
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Zollfeld-Virunum
Location (ancient)
District, regionKlagenfurt-Land
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
Name typecognomen
Use of nameL 2
Word formationsimple
First element*poti- ? 'lord'
IEW 842
Second element
Stem classo
Casenom. sg.
Semantic fieldFam / Comm ?
Relations(W) Surilla, (FiL) Tritus
General notesIf we are dealing with PIE *p- here, the form cannot be Celtic.
Other attestationsITA 1 (CIL V 970), HIS 6 (CIL II 1172, 2377, CIL II,2/14, 139, 257, EE IX 86, RIT 387), BEG 1 (Finke 236), NAR 7 (CIL XII 2210, 2450, 4247, 4483 - 5001, 5153 + 5154 + 5211 [2], E 234), NOR 1 (CIL III 13526), AQV 1 (CIL XIII 292, 11128), LVG 2;1 (CIL XIII 2006, 2306; 2001: Cadurci), [P]otitus HIS 1 (CIL II,2/5, 305a), Potitu[s] ITA 1 (CIL V 7436), Poti{ti}tus RAE 1 (CIL III 5965), Potita ITA 3 (CIL V 6073, 7237, 7434), HIS 2 (CIL II 1990, CIL II,2/14, 148), NAR 4 (CIL XII 1331, 1992, 3836, 5836), [Potita] LVG 1 (CIL XIII 1964-1965), Potitius NAR 1 (CIL XII 3835), LVG 1 (CIL XIII 2024), Potitia NAR 2 (CIL XII 3835 [2]), LVG 1 (CIL XIII 1922), Potitianus NAR 1 (CIL XII 163), AQV 1 (CIL XIII 11056), LVG 1 (CIL XIII 2451), Potit[ ]* ITA 1 (CIL V 6125), AQV 1 (CIL XIII 1124), Potit( )* ITA 1 (II X/4, 398), LVG 1 (CIL XIII 2637), Potio HIS 1 (ILER 2346), Poti[ ]* NAR 1 (Piganiol B 194), Potius ITA 1 (CIL V 2065), NOR 1 (RISt 165), Potia ITA 1 (CIL V 2245), Potus NOR 1 (Leber 272), Pottus BEG 1 (CIL XIII 4260), Potta NOR 1 (CIL III 11806), Pottia NAR 1 (CIL XII 2286).
Secondary literatureNPC 150, IEW 842