Name details

Name (attested)

Banona Anni Sabini(i filia)

Name (citation form)Annus, Annius ?
SourceIII 4884, ILLPRON 533
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)St. Veit an der Glan
Location (ancient)Virunum
CommunitySt. Veit an der Glan
District, regionSt. Veit an der Glan
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
LanguageLatin / Italic ?
Name typepseudo gentile
Use of nameL 2 as patronym
Word formationsimple
First element*anni- '?' / *anniio- 'ring'
NPC 211, EDPC 38f.
Second element
Suffixo / io ?
Stem classo / io ?
Casegen. sg.
Semantic field?
Relations(D) Banona, (SiL) Septumus
General notesNPC 211: *ann(i) < *and(i)- (DLG2: 45, KGP 126-131, GPN 136-141) variant of ande- (intensive prefix) or pace EDPC 38 cf. OIr. áinne 'ring', but PCelt. reconstruction is uncertain. More probable: connection to Lat. annus 'year' or annō 'to swim close'. Cf. Stifter 2004 (FS Dobesch): 762 (Ann(i)us).
Other attestationsMSV 1 (IMS IV 42b).
Secondary literatureAlNor 232 (Anno), Lochner 16f. (Annius, Annia), Meid 217 (Ano), RSW1: 244f, NPC 23 (Anno, -ius), 211, Kakoschke 37 (Annaeus, Annius), EDPC 38