Name details

Name (attested)

Epatia Ante Conbogi fil(ia)

Name (citation form)Ante*
SourceIII 4945, ILLPRON 207
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)Kraig
Location (ancient)Virunum
District, regionSt. Veit an der Glan
Population group
Source of date
Linguistic notes
Languageunknown, possibly Celtic
Name typecognomen
Use of nameL 2 + patronym
Word formationsimple
First element*anto-, *anti-, *antu- 'end, edge, boundary, cornerstone' or 'path'
NPC 211 (anto-, antu-, anti-; ato-), DLG2: 49
Second element
Suffixe ?
Stem class??
Casenom. sg.
Semantic field?
Relations(H) Nemetomarus, (F) Conbogius, (MiL) Crotta
General notesOn the one hand, Celticity is possible, cf. NPC 211: 'end, boundary, cornerstone' < PIE *h2ént- or 'path' < PIE *pnth2- 'path'. On the other hand, the name is reminiscent of the Latin preposition ante 'before, pre-, ante-' ??. Cf. Stifter 2004 (FS Dobesch): 762 (Antillus).
Other attestationsAnta HIS 1 (HAE 1144), Antaeus DAL 1 (CIL III 2440), Antata NAR 1 (CIL XII 4912), Anteius HIS 2 (RIT 185 [2]), DAL 3 (CIL III 1974, 2172, 1977 - ILJ 1987 - 2809 - 2810), Anteus BEG 2 (Finke 109, AE 1968, 310), DAL 1 (CIL III 1947), Antaeus BEG 1 (AE 1968, 310), Anteia DAL 1 (CIL III 2273).
Secondary literatureNPC 211 (anto-, antu-, anti-; ato-), DLG2: 49