Name details

Name (attested)

T(itus) Sammius Passer

Name (citation form)Sammius
SourceIII 5068, ILLPRON 1351
Source typeepigraphic
Type of inscriptionsepulcral
Date and origin
Location (modern)St. Peter am Kammersberg
Location (ancient)
CommunitySt. Peter am Kammersberg
District, regionMurau
Population group
Date2. c. AD
Source of dateCIL
Linguistic notes
Name typepseudo gentile
Use of nameL 3
Word formationhypocoristic short name
First element*sam- 'one, together' / *samo- 'summer' / *sāmo- 'calm'
NPC 231 / DLG2: 267, Meid 240f., KGP 264, GPN 252, Stüber 99f., EDPC 321
Second element
KGP 41, Kajanto 115, Stüber 2007: 150
Stem classio
Casenom. sg.
Semantic fieldBirth?
Relations(W) Eppea Lucria
General notesprobably short name from compound in Samo-°, cf. Stifter 2004 (FS Dobesch): 768 (Samuus, Samuda)
Other attestationsBEG 1 (CIL XIII 8607) NAR 1 (CIL XII 2808) PAN 1 (CSIRÖ I/3, 285) NOR 6 (CIL III 5052, Leber 173, RISt 66, 302, 329, 332) AQV 1 (CIL XIII 1341), Samma NOR 2 (CIL III 5372, Leber 139), Sammu NOR 1 (CIL III 11734)
Secondary literatureLochner 139, NPC 159, 231 / DLG2: 267, Meid 240f., KGP 264, GPN 252, Stüber 99f., EDPC 321